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Single Parent Dating in the UK

Are you a single parent missing out on some couple comfort? Do you love spending time with your children but feel lonely once they’ve gone to bed? Have you put your previous relationship behind you and feel ready to embark on new adventures with someone who has children of their own? Would you like to connect and match with someone who understands the highs and lows of single parenthood? If all of this sounds like you, then you need to join We Love Dates today! If you’re ready to take single parent dating seriously, let us help you meet a match who deserves your time! It’s time to embrace dating for single parents, let this free dating site help you remember the butterflies and the laughter!

Genuine Single Parent Dating

We Love Dates makes it easy for single parents to find and connect with matches across the UK. You can completely tailor your search for single parent dating to your tastes, preferences and location. You may want to match with a single parent from your local area to make logistics easier, or you might fancy matching with a single parent a drive away, this way you lower the risk of awkwardness between exes and current partners. Whatever you choose, it’s all up to you! We Love Dates puts the dating power in your hands – you can search for single parents by things like their location, age, appearance, salary, whether they have children full time or part time, their interests and hobbies & so much more.

If you’d like to match with a single parent who loves to be outdoors, enjoys cooking at home and has a good career, you can search for them using those personality markers. If you’d like to match with a single parent who only sees their children on weekends, comes from a big family and loves to go out and dance the night away, simply search for them using that criteria! Our smart searching means that you are always in the driving seat and ready to go!

Start Single Parent Dating

The joy of dating is back where it belongs with this free single parent dating site. We take care of the science behind dating and our customer service and moderation team are award-winning! You never need to worry about feeling unsafe or wary, we’re here every step of the way to ensure that you can chat and match with genuine single parents!

We Love Dates was created to fit into your life as it is today. That means that dating is easily accessible to you on the school run or when you’re packing the car up for football class or horse riding lessons. It means knowing that your matches are waiting to hear from you but understand that you can’t be available 24/7 due to your parental responsibilities. It means sneaking five minutes hiding in the toilets to check your messages on your phone. You can date with this free parent dating site using your phone, tablet and mobile – there is no need to download an app and update it constantly, you just need an internet connection! So you could soon be chatting to new matches using your mobile while waiting at the school gates for the mad home time rush. Or you could be updating your profile with new photos of you using your tablet while putting the washing away upstairs for some peace and quiet. You could read new members’ diary entries and details about their lives using your laptop while waiting for your kids to come home from their weekend with your ex. Your options are endless and we are here for you whenever you need us – and whenever you want us!

This dating parent site is exactly what you need if you want to match with fellow single parents for romance and dating. We put the fun back into dating and we can’t wait for you to experience the butterflies that you thought would never happen again! Start single parent dating today with We Love Dates!