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Over 60s Dating Site

Are you a single over 60 looking to find new relationships, be them mutually platonic friendships, romantic or otherwise? Are you ready to treat yourself to exciting date nights, adventurous days out and fun, laughter-filled trips away? Would you like to match with someone with ease? Does the idea of a mature romance make you smile? If this sounds like you and you are serious about mature dating, We Love Dates is the over 60s dating site for you! Our award winning customer service team means that you can date safely every single day. You can do so much as a free member – create a profile, upload photos, create and read diary entries, search for mature singles and send an icebreaker message! Mature dating as a single over 60 has never been this fun!

Over 60s Dating Made Easy

As a mature single, you will know that your options are endless when considering online dating – your pool of potential matches is much larger than if you were to date conventionally or even meet at your local tennis club. With We Love Dates you can guarantee that all members using this dating site are actively looking for relationships, romance and dating. Our award winning safety features mean that you can concentrate on the fun of dating and organising your inbox and social life. We make over 60s dating easy by taking care of the science and the safety, so that you can concentrate on lining up your date nights and outfits.

Our industry leading search features make dating over 60s simple! You can totally tailor your search for love to your own wants and needs with ease. The power of finding your ideal match is in your hands. For example, if you’d like to get to know a single over 60 in your local area who loves to play tennis, enjoys foreign sun-drenched holidays and is retired, you can search for them using that criteria. Similarly, if you’d like to match with a mature single who is passionate about sports, has grandchildren and loves to cook at home, you can find them using our industry leading search features! It really is that easy to find mature singles with We Love Dates!

Mature Dating On The Go

We Love Dates should fit into your life seamlessly; that is why this over 60s dating site was created to work with you on your mobile phone, tablet and laptop. You can date as and when you’d like – all you need is an internet connection! There is no need to download an app, update your phone or try and work out how a QR code works. Simply chat, connect and match whenever it suits you. You could soon be updating your profile with your latest holiday snaps using your phone while you walk to lunch with friends; you could reading through your inbox using your tablet while enjoying a coffee after a morning swim; you could read the diary entry of the match you have your eye on using your laptop while putting the kettle on at home. We Love Dates really is mature dating on the go!

Start Over 60s Dating Today

There has never been a better time for you to start over 60s dating! We Love Dates has got everything sorted so that you can focus on the fun and laughter that comes with making a match with compatible singles over 60! Date amazing local mature singles and never look back!