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Over 50s Dating Site

Are you a single over 50 looking for romance and love? Would you like to chat and meet with fellow mature singles with the goal of finding romance? Are you ready to make genuine connections with singles over 50 in your local area? If this sounds like you and you are serious about making new connections with mature singles across the UK, you need to join We Love Dates. Join today and create a profile, upload photos, read diary entries, search for singles over 50 and send an icebreaker message for free! We Love Dates is one of the best and easiest over 50s dating sites!

Safe Mature Online Dating

As a single over 50, you will know that there are lots of options when it comes to online dating – but not all mature dating sites can offer the award-winning safety of We Love Dates. This safe mature online dating site puts the safety and security of all members at its heart. Our award winning customer service team is on hand at every step to ensure that you feel completely comfortable with your dating experience. Our industry leading moderation team works tirelessly to ensure that all members using this free dating site are genuine singles over 50 looking for compatible matches. With We Love Dates, we take care of the safety and science so that you can focus on sharing the best version of you with the online world!

We Love Dates was designed to fit perfectly into your life so that you can date whenever and wherever you want to. You can access this safe dating site using your mobile phone, tablet and laptop and there is no need to download an app or use confusing pages. All you need to use this mature dating site is an internet connection and your devices. Dating on the go has never been this easy – with We Love Dates you can chat to new singles online using your mobile while stretching for tennis; you can look through photos of potential matches using your tablet while people watching at your favourite coffee shop; you can send a message to your match using your laptop while cooking dinner at home for friends. Safe dating and We Love Dates go hand in hand!

Genuine Searches & Matches

Using online dating to find friendships, romance and dating means that you will have lots of singles at your fingertips! You can click into someone’s profile and get talking in no time. But with We Love Dates, we’ve made it even easier for you to find exactly what it is you are looking for. You can find genuine searches and matches using our state of the art search engine features. This means that you can completely tailor your dating experience to your own tastes and preferences. For example, if you’d like to match with a single over 50 who lives locally to you, enjoys staycations and baking, you can search for them using that criteria. Likewise, if you’d prefer to get chatting and matching with a mature single who enjoys sporty activities, has grandchildren and is semi-retired, you can search for them with ease! Finding genuine matches is fun with We Love Dates!

Start Over 50s Dating Today!

You’ve got so much to gain and nothing to lose. To join this free mature dating site, you simply need to complete the five step registration process at the top of this page. We will ask you to share details about yourself such as your date of birth and email address –  we keep this information private and secure and it is used to help you match with compatible singles across the United Kingdom. Once you’ve registered, the world is in your hands – you can search, chat, upload photos and so much more!

Start over 50s dating today with We Love Dates!