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Mature Dating in the UK

We Love Dates is a completely free dating site for mature singles in the UK aged 50 and above. Find love with seniors in your area and all over the UK.

Find Love With Like-Minded Mature Singles

Life and most certainly love, doesn’t stop at 50. In fact for many it’s only just beginning. Whether you’re in your fifties, over 60, or even over 70, We Love Dates makes mature dating in the UK simple and easy regardless of number of years lived. You’ll know yourself better now than ever before, you know what you want and most importantly what you don’t! Connecting you with like-minded single seniors is what we do best. 

A 100% Free Online Dating Site

We Love Dates is a completely free dating site for seniors. You can join right now and see how far away your best matches are without paying a penny or leaving the comfort of your own home. You don’t need to be a computer whizz to master our simple site. It’s super easy to browse profiles, send a message and connect with fellow mature daters instantly – all for free! 

Safety & Security

The safety of our users is our top priority and we work hard to keep We Love Dates a safe mature dating site for all. We want you to meet serious, committed singles so our dedicated, highly-trained team of moderators work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that all of our members are genuine. They review every profile and photo, as well as looking out for common scammer trends. We take the protection of your privacy very seriously and we are proud to offer you our Personal Data Guarantee.

Quick & Easy To Join

The best thing about mature dating is there’s no need to panic about what the future holds, there’s far less pressure to settle down than there was in your twenties. Despite this, We Love Dates wants you to be able to access any potential matches as soon as possible. We’ve made the joining process quick and easy. Simply fill out a few details and your profile is ready to match with a wide range of mature singles within minutes. 

Meet Mature 50+ Singles in Your Area

Whether it’s love or simply companionship you seek, We Love Dates is the perfect senior dating site to connect you with other 50+ singles who live locally to you. You can search by location and radius, making dating as convenient as you wish. Whilst putting yourself out there may be a nerve-racking prospect, finding the perfect partner makes it hugely worthwhile. So we encourage you to sign-up and have fun!