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Completely Free UK Christian Dating Site

We Love Dates is a completely free Christian dating site for single Christians in the UK. Make long-term connections with fellow Christians in your area and throughout the UK with which to share a love of God and each other.

Connect With Like-Minded Christians in Your Area

A shared faith is a wonderful foundation on which to build a long and happy relationship. We Love Dates easily connects you with fellow Christian singles, so all you need to do is find the person with whom you can also share a love for each other. Our simple search function allows you to easily find Christian singles near you bringing long-lasting happiness within easy reach.

100% Free Online Dating Site

The best things in life are free and We Love Dates is no exception. Our Christian dating site is completely free to join. Not only that, you can also browse our many dating profiles and send Christian singles icebreaker messages without having to pay, leaving you to spend your money the best way possible, the dates themselves. Our free service means the only commitment you need to concern yourself with is that of you to each other in the eyes of the Lord.

Subtle & Secure

Your faith is extremely precious to you and so is your total privacy and safety to us. We want to ensure people of all Christian traditions feel comfortable and safe so we moderate content and photos 24hrs a day to ensure the profiles you find are genuine Christian singles. We are expertly trained to spot scams and make it easy for you to report any suspicious activity.

Quick & Easy To Join

We all lead busy lives and understand that time is precious, no more so than in the pursuit for ever-lasting love. Which is why we want to make your Christian dating experience as easy as possible. Our sign-up process is so quick, that you could be connecting with your perfect match in just a few clicks. Community is at the heart of what it means to be a Christian and we welcome you to join ours.

Find Love Online with Christian Men & Women in the UK

With few opportunities outside local churches to meet other single Christians, We Love Dates links you with others who are inspired and encouraged in their love of God. By reading profiles and chatting online you can see if you share the same feelings towards worship and future life goals. We Love Dates is dedicated to helping single Christians find forever love within the boundaries of their religion. No matter where in the UK they’re located, it’s easy to find the one, all you need is a little faith!