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We Love Dates is a completely free casual dating site for singles to meet others in their area for hookups and casual sex. Find connections near you to start no strings attached dating today!

No Strings Attached Dating

Looking for an easy way to meet singles with no commitment? We Love Dates is a casual dating site created to help bring singles together for no strings attached fun. Whether you’re after a regular hookup, a one-time experience out of town or just some fun, casual sex, We Love Dates guarantees to help keep the excitement alive. Casual dating is enjoyable without pressure and particularly useful for anyone who fears rejection or struggles with intimacy. With thousands of casual single profiles available to browse, you could find tonight’s casual hookup instantly!

Hookup With Singles in Your Area for Casual Sex

Got a big night out planned and looking for some guaranteed fun? Let us help connect you with naughty singles in your area for the perfect free hookup. Using a casual dating site ensures you’ll find someone who understands your desire to keep things light and breezy. No need to wine and dine if that’s not your bag. Search by age, location, body type and even salary to ensure your no strings attached date is exactly what you’re looking for. Adjust to your desired distance radius on the location search bar to find convenient casual sex in just a few clicks.

A 100% Free Casual Dating Site

Casual dating can be fun, wild and exciting. With thousands of online profiles on offer, there’s plenty of potential online hookups available to keep you on your toes and hot under the collar! We Love Dates is the perfect free hookup site, so you don’t need to worry about committing to a membership or a relationship. Whatever you do, we encourage all casual daters to be kind, respect is key.

Quick & Easy To Join

We Love Dates understands the needs and wants of its casual daters and that sometimes time can be very much of the essence! That’s why we’ve made our casual dating site the quickest and easiest to join. No need to get bogged down in lifestyle questionnaires and dating histories. We Love Dates can be used on your phone, laptop and tablet, simply sign-up in a few clicks and start casual dating wherever you go.

Casual Dating Throughout the UK

Your casual dating adventure could take you anywhere in the UK with profiles and locations reaching far and wide. It’s the perfect way to forge new connections effortlessly and ease loneliness. We Love Dates takes care of the science behind compatibility – all you need to worry about is keeping things casual! Join now to enjoy some no strings attached fun.