Join today for FULLY FREE online dating

We Love Dates is a completely free dating site for black singles in the UK. Date black men and women in your area or anywhere in the UK to find connections with like-minded singles.

Connect With Black Singles in Your Area

Thanks to We Love Dates it’s never been easier to connect locally with black men and women. You can search by location and given radius depending on your preferred travel distance. Dedicated to matching you with black singles only, We Love Dates is tried and tested for successful black dating. Match with black dates near you and give yourself the best chance to achieve love and happiness.

A 100% Free Online Dating Site

We’re a free online dating site that specialises in making successful black dating connections happen with our efficient search function. You can filter by age, location, salary, lifestyle plus many more to help ensure a perfect love match that ticks all your boxes. Browse loads of online profiles, make contact or give someone a cheeky wink. No contracts, no catches, just fun and free black dating.

Subtle & Secure

Honesty is an important foundation that long-lasting relationships can be built on. Which is why we moderate every piece of content and photo uploaded to our site so you can be assured all our black dating profiles are genuine, authentic people looking for love. We know how to spot scammers and take your privacy extremely seriously, which is why we created a personal data guarantee. Our moderators work 24/7 to monitor our site and there for support whenever you need. Leave the complex stuff to us so you can get back to dating online with confidence.

Quick & Easy To Join

We Love Dates know online dating can sometimes be a daunting prospect, which is why we want to make the whole process as simple as possible. We avoid long questionnaires and personality tests, there’s no need to overthink things when it comes to dating. Your valuable time is instead best spent chatting and discovering for yourself what makes someone unique. It’s up to you how much information you wish to share about yourself when creating a profile with We Love Dates.

Find Love Online with Black Women & Men in the UK

We help connect you with black British singles but it’s you in the dating driving seat. Whether you’re hoping to date someone in your local area, or simply find a connection regardless of location, our users are all based in the UK and ready for romance. Take your time to peruse profiles that match your search criteria to meet black singles in a fun and stress-free environment.