How To Impress A Girl From London

The thing about girls in London is that we know what we want and where we want you to take us. With so many amazing places to wine and dine, it’s an unforgiveable faux pas to get the first date venue wrong.

We’re selective, not elitist. Trying out the latest cocktail bar, tapas tasting in trendy food markets or dining at secret supper clubs is a natural night out on a Tuesday. If you’re going to impress us, you’re going to have to choose your venues carefully.

Concept Restaurants
London girls like to try new things. We want to be surprised and have our expectations surpassed. A concept restaurant is perfect for trying new food and a new dining experience. Cabana (WC2 & E20), for example, is a Brazilian BBQ restaurant that cooks street food over an open fire pit. Modern Brazil captured on the streets of London. Ideal.

Cocktail O’Clock
We love going for cocktails. Pry us away from our standard vodka & soda and tempt us with something new and exotic and we’ll be charmed. Somewhere like The Whistling Shop (EC2) in trendster hotspot in Shoreditch that only offers signature and in house cocktails (you can forget a Cosmopolitan) is a far cry from the expected.

Club Kids
Take us to the hot new club and you’ll be sure to impress us. We appreciate a good party and we’ll appreciate you even more if you take us to one. London has an amazing nightlife scene and with places like The Rose Club (W1), a glamourous speakeasy bar, you need to make sure the club has something unique to offer.

Culture Vultures
With so many art galleries, museums and brilliant photography exhibitions, London girls are spoilt for their cultural fix. That new exhibition that the critics can’t stop talking about – take us! Don’t bore us though, something that has a sense of humour like David Shrigley’s Brain Activity is bang on the money.

Now that doesn’t seem so hard does it…

written and researched by

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