Document Your Online Dating Experiences With BBC3 Today!

online dating

Fancy sharing your dating dramas with the world? Well now’s your chance – with BBC3 looking for online daters to tell their side of the digital story.

As data has grown and given people more means of communication, so technology has advanced to bring people even closer than ever – or has it?
With social networking sites connecting friends via a number of platforms, the cyber highway has taken networking to the next level – literally.

Online dating has become a global phenomenon, with people seeking love all over the world in the hope of finding ‘The One’ – and now leading UK television production company Roughcut TV is on the lookout for any volunteers willing to divulge their experiences, particularly those using dating apps such as Tinder.

Assistant producer, Alana McVerry, says: “The documentary we’re making for BBC3 is broadly looking at dating and relationships in the age of technology. We’re looking at how dating and relationships have changed given that we’ve now got access to more people than ever before and dating has become a truly global market.

“Does having access to more people than ever before make us pickier? Or does it make us more likely to find a good match? Now that we’re looking online are we looking at different things like grammar and spelling and picking apart profiles and characteristics, which we wouldn’t do if that person was standing right in front of us?”

She adds: “Are long term relationships going to be a dying breed because our next relationship is now so easily sourced? Are we now less compromising, more impatient and ultimately less faithful? And what do the relationships borne of the internet age really look like now that they haven’t been vetted first by our friends or families?”

If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you with more information – and who knows? Through sharing your story, you could be lucky enough to have your own fairy tale ending!

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