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Free Dating Australia

There are so many eligible singles in Australia and lots of great opportunities to find new friendships and romance online. However, the best singles turn to this free online dating site to secure them romantic date nights, flirting and loving relationships.

We Love Dates is Australia’s answer to free dating. Created with the sole purpose of matching singles based on their own choices, We Love Dates can guarantee you a suitable match within seconds of signing up.

It takes moments to join and once you do, you’ll see just how easy it is to get chatting to someone who wants the same things as you. Signing up is completely free and takes no time at all. 

Not all of Australia’s free dating sites give you what we do. Our singles use this online dating site to help them find new friends, to have regular date nights and to give them their very own happily ever after.

Australia’s Online Dating Website

With We Love Dates, you’ll see just how easy online dating can be! We put you in complete control of how you date. Our fun features let you pick and choose your method of courting. We have a brilliant search engine that allows you to make your searches completely bespoke to you.

Dating websites in Australia are filled with amazing men and women, but with We Love Dates, you can fast track how you find someone and make a connection. Whether you are using this dating site as a senior dating agency, a friendship builder or a local matches site, we are sure that you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.

Dating Agency Australia

Many of our members depend on this free dating agency to help them grow in confidence before going on to achieve long term love. The singles that join We Love Dates are a mix of those who are new to online dating, internet dating pros and veterans. When you join our singles dating agency, you’ll find someone you can bond with.

Our members know how it feels to embark on a new dating journey. Many of them use their dating diaries to give advice on how to date successfully. We encourage a safe online dating community, and that can be felt as soon as you join.

Lots of locals from Darwin to Hobart depend on We Love Dates as an over 40s dating agency. They use our filters to help them find a match who fits their ideal criteria. It’s that easy and fast to find a match!

Free Dating Sites

We Love Dates is unique in that we really do give you so much for free! Our track record of dating success for free members is incredibly high! We are, first and foremost, a local dating site. We help locals in small towns such as Townsville and Canning Vale find someone who is a compatible match.

There’s no need to endlessly use search engines to try and find free local dating sites near you. We Love Dates covers the whole of Australia while also having large pockets of members local to their hometown. Of course, you are more than welcome to search for a match with someone further afield or even across the country!

You may be looking specifically for free dating sites for women. Your preference may be to join a safe dating site. We Love Dates is all of those things and so much more! We offer you the best online dating experience for free in a safe and secure dating environment. Our pool of members is growing rapidly each day and our singles can’t get enough of our fun, free features!

Start Free Dating Today

It’s time for you to start free dating with We Love Dates today! We are a trusted source of dating knowledge and a hub of dating activity. We are well known with Australian singles as one of the best local Australian dating sites out there.

You won’t find yourself questioning: “Is online dating safe?”. Our customer service and moderation team work on your safety so that you can go ahead and create your profile, upload photos, read members’ diaries and search for potential matches.

We Love Dates is the best free safe dating site and as soon as you join, you’ll see just how easy it is to make a match and find romance and love in Australia!